# hexa string to Floating-point value
# hexa string to Floating-point value
import struct
# Hexadecimal string
hex_string = "43663334"
# Convert hexadecimal string to binary string
binary_string = bin(int(hex_string, 16))[2:].zfill(32)
# Split binary string into sign, exponent, and mantissa
sign_bit = int(binary_string[0])
exponent = int(binary_string[1:9], 2)
mantissa = int(binary_string[9:], 2)
# Calculate the floating-point value
sign = (-1) ** sign_bit
fraction = 1 + (mantissa / 2**23) # Assuming single precision (23 bits)
value = sign * fraction * 2**(exponent - 127)
print("Floating-point value:", value)
# hexa string to Floating-point value
import struct
def hex_to_float(hex_string):
# Convert hex string to binary string
binary_string = bin(int(hex_string, 16))[2:].zfill(32) # Assuming 32-bit IEEE 754 format
# Convert binary string to floating point using struct
return struct.unpack('!f', struct.pack('!I', int(binary_string, 2)))[0]
# Example usage
#hex_code = "40490FDB" #result: 3.1415927410125732
hex_code = "43663334" #result: 230.20001220703125 230.20001220703125
result = hex_to_float(hex_code)
print("Floating point value:", result)
Floating-point value: 230.20001220703125
# Floating-point value to Hexadecimal string
# Floating-point value to Hexadecimal string
import struct
# Floating-point value
float_value = 230.20001220703125
# Convert floating-point value to hexadecimal string
hex_string = hex(struct.unpack('<I', struct.pack('<f', float_value))[0])[2:]
print("Hexadecimal string:", hex_string.upper())
Hexadecimal string: 43663334
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